Eliya on social media
[:il]Elia – Organization for the Advancement of Children with Blindness or Visual impairmentRemove photos from Facebook children_of_eliya to our channel [:en]in You-Tubechildren_of_eliya in InstagramFacebook pictures[:]
Annual occurrence
First steps
Did you get a diagnosis you'd rather not hear? Do you think there's anything wrong with the kid's eyesight? What do we do? The most important thing to understand is that there is much to be done to help the child. Another thing, you don't have to do it alone, we're also here to support […]
Vacation Schedule
Daycare Vacations Calendar – 2020-2021 Time (resched Days Gregorian date Hebrew date Comments Rosh Hashanah Friday-Sunday 18.09.20-20.09.20 29 Elul-B Tishrei Yom Kippur Eve Sunday-Monday 27.09.20-28.09.20 9 Tishrei- Y. Tishrei Eve of Sukkot Sukkot M.I.A. A. Simhon Torah Simhon Torah Friday Sabbath fifth Friday Sabbath 02.10.20 03.10.20 08.10.20 09.10.20 10.10.20 Yad Tishrei Tu Tishrei […]
General Information
Volunteering Board of Administrators About
First steps Branches Vacation schedule
Igul LeTova
From XNET Site Circle for Good is a nonprofit organization that enables each person to donate tiny sums as part of his daily routine through an automated, efficient and innovative mechanism. When joining the circle for the better, any purchase on the credit card (for a non-round amount) can be rounded to the nearest shekel […]
Eliya in the Media
The rehabilitation daycare center for children with visual impairments on the streets. myrehovot 24.4.21 "The Elia Association markets the world to children with blindness or visual impairment." Globes 17.12.2020 Gil Dahan's column on match games, on the "Mother's" website Other elements you should know are sounds and sounds.When there is a visual impairment, we try […]
National Service Sons/Daughters
Members of the National Service are an integral part of the ALY team. Working with the children in kindergarten includes: Giving love and a sense of security to a child. Taking a central part in ongoing treatments with the children. Receiving guidance in vision therapies, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy and applying individual treatments with […]
Since 1982, ELIA has been working to promote children with visual impairments and blindness, including children facing additional developmental challenges. The organization advocates a distinct therapeutic approach tailored to the needs of each and every child, while expanding, strengthening and nurturing their ability to integrate into society. As a leading organization in the field, […]