
Improving Vision Function

Although we cannot change the sharpness of the visually impaired child’s sight, we are able to improve his vision function. The level of vision function influences the entire functional ability of the visually impaired child and it varies from person …

Dark Room

Each ELIYA branch has at least 2 darkrooms. Trained staff members work with children with impaired vision using various visual stimuli, such as focus, color and movement. In an environment with no external stimuli, it is possible to tailor the …

Visual Training

Improvement of visual function begins with the utilization of basic visual skills: focusing, tracking, scanning. These skills are so natural to most of us that we do not need to practice them. Visual exercises help the visually impaired child to …


The Snoezelen is a therapy room. The room includes mattresses, lights, sensations and sounds. Through multi-senses stimulation that is tailored according to the will, need and ability of each child, it is possible to influence different developmental fields. Snoezelen treatment …

Family Vacation

The summer vacation brings with it several challenges to families with blind and visually impaired children. Planning a suitable vacation is one of these challenges. ELIYA is aware of the need for a relaxing and unifying vacation and therefore organizes …

Speech Therapy

Effective communication is essential for full integration in society. Before learning to speak all children are exposed to “prelanguage” – the first step in developing communication skills. “Pre-language” for the seeing child generally involves visual experiences, such as direct eye contact, …

Summer Camps

Many ELIYA graduates, integrated into mainstream education during the year, face a problem when the summer begins: the day-camps providing activities for many children throughout Israel don’t offer a solution suited to the special needs of blind and visually impaired children. That is why …


Our need to move is ingrained, just like the need for food and love. Sight is the main element in our motivation to move: a baby raises his head to see his mother’s face, he reaches out for a toy and then he crawls …

Music Therapy

“Music does not represent life: it is life (Charles Abes) Music is an art that enables expression, connection and communication. Music therapy is a methodical process of intervention, based on the use of musical experiences in the framework of the …

Animal assisted Therapy

Animals are an inseparable part of our lives. Whether one loves them or fears them, helps them or hurts them, children cannot feel indifferent to them. The contact with animals enables easy and intuitive communication that relies on emotions, body …


Hydrotherapy treatment uses water to strengthen muscle power using resistance, thereby normalizing tone, and improve breathing functions with the help of hydrostatic pressure and so on. Hydrotherapy provides an answer to a variety of problems and needs for a large …

“Etgarim” Association

Blind and visually impaired children often suffer from developmental delays due to their disability. These delays lead to low self-esteem, a tendency to stay in one place and fear experimenting with new places, in addition to other difficulties. “ETGARIM” activities …

Massage and Shiatsu

Massage Massage is beneficial for all, body and soul. Awareness and appreciation of our body comes even before integration into society at large. Through positive and soothing physical means, the masseur/masseuse reinforces our positive body image. At ELIYA we implement …

Guide Dogs

A central goal in ELIYA is to enable blind and visually impaired children to be independent and secure. Learning how to use guide dogs in order to increase mobility is important for blind children for a variety of reasons – …

Parents and Babies

Background: The program for parents and babies in ELIYA started many years ago in response to the need for early intervention among infants under one year old with vision loss and in some cases also with developmental delay. In ELIYA there were already …

Art Therapy

The project rational: The child’s natural language is play and arts & crafts, his images language and his imaginary world are reach and active. At the stage when the child is having difficulties to verbally express his feelings; the “products” …

Spouses meetings

The ELIYA kindergarten opens its gates not only to the blind children but to their entire family as well. One of the activities dedicated to the families is sibling meetings, where brothers and sisters are invited to spend an entire …

Supported Projects

Founded projects by donations

Preparation for Braille

Braille reading is taught in the first grade. Much preliminary work is required to prepare the children before they are ready to learn to read Braille. At ELIYA, this preliminary work to acquire the necessary skills begins at a very …

Graduates Parents
Graduates Parents
Puppet theater

How do you get a blind or visually impaired child to “see” or “visualize” a bird flying? So many things in the world are clear to us because we see them and take them for granted. Try explaining, without using …

Bicycle Riding

Using the Bicycle for Treating Handicapped Children Bicycle riding has both health and social advantages for most people. It constitutes a physical aerobic activity that engages large muscle groups using something that is readily available from childhood up through old …

Vision instructor

The Vision instructor at ELIYA is responsible for coordinating between the different specialists who contribute to each child’s care, Integrating different kinds of treatment into a single program. In this way, assistance with vision can help the child to progress …


Our aim at ELIYA is to help children to improve their visual acuity as much as possible, but also to help them to deal with the difficulties ensuing from their disability. At ELIYA we teach our children to learn to …