
Breaker deviations

Echomodation of the lens – focusing the lens of the eye by changing the lens constellations as a result of contracting the muscles that surround it.The echomodulation of the eye lens allows the person to see sharply as he looks at different distances.When we look at a distant object, the focus of the rays on […]

Vision tests for preschoolers

Parents' alertness to their baby's visual behavior is important and helps identify and diagnose the visual problem early.But even if we know that there are visual impairments, all of us, parents and professionals, we would like to have a more accurate understanding of the visual impairment and a more positive note to understand how old […]

Case study

At the end of February 2020, a new baby entered the Eli'a Rehovot branch. 1 year old chronological age, 10 months standardized age. Born prematurely at 32 weeks , diagnosed with a grade 3 cerebral hematoma and cerebral venous dilation, he underwent lent surgery to drain the fluids. In the acquaintance committee held two months […]

Awareness of communication clinicians during the coronavirus pandemic

In honor of Media Clinician Awareness Week 2020, Jerusalem Clinician Team shares tips When wearing the mask and interacting with the children, the ability to understand speech is impaired. There is a reduction of visual cues such as lip reading, facial expressions and mimics. During background noises : such as a morning session or another […]

Vision tests for preschoolers

Prof. Kent Cassello, Professional Director, Israel AYT In the first months of the baby's life, the visual system and the brain connections system develops, which is responsible for functioning and coordinating the actions of the visual system, such as: coordination of the eye, coordination between the poor, processing visual information, ability to decipher, in-depth vision […]

Highlights during therapeutic work with children with visual impairment or blindness

Written by: Sarit Levy National Vision Guide, Yael Carmon Physiotherapist, Ruth Harel Busy Clinic and Elia Team The basis of our work is the deep understanding that vision affects all areas of development, it is the organizing sense that pushes us to connect with the environment, stimulates curiosity and through which we perceive and understand […]

Use of contact lenses in early childhood

Prof. Kent Caszlo – Professional Director, Elia Association There is a wide range of contact lenses used in early childhood, choosing the right contact lens depends on the nature of the disability, the advantages and disadvantages of each contact lens and the ability to make a successful adjustment. It is important to remember: cleaning or […]

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