Improvement of visual function begins with the utilization of basic visual skills: focusing, tracking, scanning. These skills are so natural to most of us that we do not need to practice them. Visual exercises help the visually impaired child to learn skills that we know instinctively. With the help of games and play sessions, the child learns these skills and practices them over and over again.
Most of these practice sessions take place in the Dark Room, a special place that is dark and without outside stimuli. This helps the child to concentrate focus on each and every skill separately.
ELIYA staff learn visual training techniques at a special course given at the center. The Visual Trainer works with the children either in a group setting or individually, as is deemed necessary. Visual training is an important element of the ELIYA educational program and is provided in accordance with the impairment and needs of each and every child. ELIYA children, like every child, surprise us at times with the speed at which they learn some things, while there are other areas where they need frequent practice.
The visual trainer is sensitive to each child’s needs and development and is responsible for reporting any changes to the visual supervisor so that the child’s individual training program can be tweaked accordingly. The visual trainer continues to undergo supervisory guidance throughout the year and we ensure that they become proficient with every new innovation in the field so that our children receive the very best treatment that we can provide.