
Step 2: Internally check the data

The professional team of ELIA, headed by our professional director who is a professor of paediatric optometry (an expert in the children's visual system) will review the information you have given us. The appropriate branch manager, also a professional, will also review the information.
In fact, at this stage, we want to examine more thoroughly and professionally the information you have passed on to us. It is also a preliminary stage for the introductory committee. We want to understand the situation so we can make sure that meeting with the introductory committee is the most effective.
For example, it may be necessary to invite one of elia's experts, who deals with a specific side of the treatment and rehabilitation, which usually does not sit on the committee.
We believe that each child is special and we personally tailor the care to each and every child, as does the introductory committee.
At this time, if necessary, another phone call will be made to you.

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