
Step 1: The first phone call to the A.I.P.

You are welcome to call the Nearest Elia Center. Don't hesitate, we're here for you.
This is an initial acquaintance conversation in which we will listen and try to understand how we can help you. We'll explain it to you and we'd like to get to know you a little bit.
For example, we will ask why you think the child has a problem with vision function, see if there is a medical diagnosis, whether the child has other challenges besides vision, whether you came following a referral, who is the referrer and what background to the referral is, whether you have documents and what documents you have. In addition, we will check for age matching and geographical location for rehabilitation daycare centers and elia gardens.
Whether the answers to these questions are positive or negative, do not hesitate to call, we will be happy to instruct you on what you need to do, regardless of how suited you are to the ALY.
If you have documents that we think are important for our professionals to study, we'll ask you to give us a copy of those documents.
Most of the time, we would recommend at this stage to contact the welfare department in your locality and contact the social worker who cares for your area. This inquiry is done at this time to save valuable time later on.
In addition, many times it will be welcomed to the National Insurance Institute.

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