
Guidelines for an annual work program for the educational and professional staff at the NSC


  1. Coordinating expectations
    For new children: Upon absor
    ption of the child in kindergarten, a meeting will be held with the parents.

The meeting has two main objectives:
A. Hear from parents about the child and how they expect to see his progress in the coming months, in various fields. There is a questionnaire that we have recently built and can help.
In. To answer the parents' questions about the kindergarten and the care their child will receive.
For continuing children: There will be a meeting as close as possible to the beginning of the school year in order to hear from parents their expectations from the coming year.
This meeting will be attended by a kindergarten teacher, a lawyer and a branch manager (as needed).

  1. Initial intervention plan-
    After an
    initial period of adjustment and adaptation of the equipment to the child, the health professions team will evaluate the child's functioning in the various fields, build an initial intervention program for him and guide the kindergarten teacher and assistants in the relevant kindergarten.
  1. Diagnoses and evaluations
    Until 1.10 for children, from 1.11 to 1.11 for new children, t
    he health professionals team will deliver a diagnosis and evaluation to each child as needed. Kindergarten teachers will pass on vision assessments to new children. A numerical and verbal summary will be written in the child's file.
  2. Staff meeting on vision.
    The kindergart
    en teacher will update the health professionals' staff on the children's state of vision in the kindergarten and with the resulting emphasis on caring for the child.
  3. Construction of Tel Aviv-
    Tel Aviv is ready for up to 1.11 continuing children and 15.11 for new children.
    It is the responsibility o
    f the kindergarten teacher to arrange a meeting with the health professionals staff in which the knowledge collected about the child will be agreed upon from the evaluations and diagnoses. Each professional will present her goals, in accordance with GAS, and together we will build a Tel Aviv child consisting of 1-4 participatory goals. (Participation – Functional goals that come from within the agenda of the child and his family whose achievement will contribute to improving the child's participation in family and community life. Achieving these goals usually involves a number of areas and a number of therapists).

In this session it will be agreed in what areas the child needs individual, group therapy, by whom and about how often.

  1. Transferring TEL TO AIDS-
    The kinde
    rgarten teacher will provide assistance to tel aviv and the health professionals team will continue to guide the assistant in the care of the child.

Presenting tel aviv to parents-
rting in November, meetings are held with the parents with the participation of the kindergarten teacher, a lawyer and, as needed, a representative from the health professions. Presenting the parents with Tel Aviv. (It is possible to consider sending the parents tel aviv in advance so that they will come ready for the meeting) At the end of the meeting, the parents receive a copy from Tel Aviv.

  1. Follow-up, sync, and thinking appointments for caretakers-
    Once a week there
    will be a meeting of the kindergarten teacher, the social worker and the staff of the kindergarten's health professions. In each session we will discuss one or two children. We will find out where the child stands in terms of the various areas of the program, what questions arise in the treatment and more.
  1. Routine surveillance of horticultural.
    kindergarten teacher is monitoring the progress of the program. The assistants join, as needed, the treatments of the health professions staff in order to receive treatment guidance. Joint treatment of two or more staff members will sometimes take place as needed.

The process of monitoring and controlling the treatment and the purposes of working with the child will be conducted by the kindergarten teacher or instructor in February.

  1. Educational assessments-
    From the end of January until March the kindergarten teachers and the professional staff write educational-functional assessments for the children who finish that year (for the placement committee). Assessments will be written in language understood by parents.

By the end of June, educational assessments will also be written for the children who continue and, if necessary, the assessments for the children leaving will be updated.

  1. Diagnoses and re-evaluations.
    the end of July, the health professionals team will be re-diagnosing all children. Kindergarten teachers will pass on re-vision diagnosis and work goals for continuing children. A numerical and verbal summary will be written in the child's file.
  2. A meeting with the parents to summarize the year.
    Meeting with parents to summarize the year (leaving and staying) with the participation of: branch manager, kindergarten teacher, social worker and health professionals team (as needed). Parents receive the educational assessment and are given staff recommendations regarding next year.
  3. Summary reports of the health professionals team.
    sional reports will be written about each child and will be added to the educational evaluation and summary for the parents.


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