
Breaker deviations

Echomodation of the lens
– focusing the lens of the eye by changing the lens constellations as a result of contracting the muscles that surround it.The echomodulation of the eye lens allows the person to see sharply as he looks at different distances.When we look at a distant object, the focus of the rays on their way to the retino is mostly done in the corneal, so the lens can be relatively flat. But when we look at a close object, further breaking and focus is needed by the lens.

A broken deviation is a professional term that describes
the eclipse in the focus of the rays of light that reach the retina. When there is no coordination between the optical force and the distance to the retella, no clear picture is created and there is a broken deviation. If the optical force (cornea and lens) is too strong to have myopia, if too weak there is farsightedness and if there is asymmetric force there is astigmatism.


Creating a clear figure on the retina is the first stage in the visual pathway, in order to obtain proper vision, the receptors, neural pathways, and the transfer of information to the brain and pathways in the brain are required to function properly, in order to decipher the message that comes into view.

The term “visual impairment” describes a condition in which vision cannot be improved to an optimal state by glasses. In these cases, there may be deficiencies in the tissues of the eye or a brain structure that limits vision. Sometimes the need for glasses is part of the impairment and sometimes delay in diagnosing the need for glasses can cause impaired vision development and visual pathways in the brain.

When the ra
ys of light come out of a nearby spot, they do not concentrate on th
e retina but behin
d it, so the person cannot clearly see nearby objects. It’s usually a birthing eclipse.

Myopia myopia myopia

A state of impairment in the break of the rays of light caused by the lens’s i
nability to concentrate light on the retina. Therefore, nearby objects are clearly visible, while distant objects appear blurry.

matism Th
e power of ou
r eye should be symmetrical.

Generally, a deviation in the resentment alone will not cause significant visual impairment because the deviation can be “corrected” with glasses. Sometimes, delayed diagnosis can cause significant visual impairment and then it is necessary both glasses and work and rehabilitation
treatment.In children with visual impairments , the need for glasses can add another degree of visual difficulty due to various reasons

For example:

1.Baby after cataract surgery.In
surgery, lower the lens of the eye (murky lens=cataracts) that has an optical power of about 20 diopters.

Therefore, the eye lacks a lot of power and very high plus glasses are needed. Vision through such glasses is less natural and distorted with a reduction of field of view and enlargement. These problems do not exist in the repair of a contact lens so it is usually better to wear contact lenses on glasses. If the cataract was only in one eye you must have a contact lens to allow a combination of two eyes simultaneously.

In this case, despite the medical treatment and optometry (surgery + contact lenses) there is still a visual impairment due to the damage to the development of vision caused by the cataract before its removal. This is where the Elia Association and the Rehabilitation Treatment for The Preservation and Development of Vision come into play. Adding intense, visual and multisensory stimulation in order to develop normal vision on the brain plane.

2. Adm.

Alcance usually causes visual impairment. In most cases there is significant astigmatology and also the jigging of the eyes (nistagmus). In all cases there is hypersensitivity to light. The need for glasses exists and providing glasses usually helps, but this does not solve the problem. Ned adjustments
Authority in the environment, such as proper lighting, the use of appropriate contrast (contrast) and the correct size of shapes and letters is necessary for improving vision abilities. Visual enrichment and multisensory stimulation are also needed to enable the normal development of the toddler and child.

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