
Articles and professional information on visual impairments and the treatment of early childhood children

Early childhood vision tests Prof. Kent Kessello, Professional Director
Poor early childhood tests allow to monitor the development of the visual system and diagnose visual impairments at the earliest stage, if any. Vision affects all areas of development, it is the organizing sense that pushes us to connect with the environment, stimulates curiosity and through it we perceive and understand the world.
The implications of early childhood visual impairment on the development and functioning of the severity and nature of the visual impairment are important factors in the effect of visual impairment on development and functioning and therefore understanding the consequences of impairment on functioning and building appropriate treatment are key to promoting children with visual impairment.
3D vision and in-depth vision: In what they are different from Prof. Kent Kazlo, Professional Director of the Israel ALE
3D vision is built on the difference in the point of view of both eyes, one to the right from the nose and the other to the left. When we look at two objects and their figures create equal angles in both eyes, we will see each of the objects once, without a 3D diagnosis.
Emphasis on rehabilitative work with children with visual impairment The basis of our work is the deep understanding that vision affects all areas of development, is the organizing sense that pushes us to connect with the environment, stimulates curiosity and through which we perceive and understand the world.Vision affects motor, cognitive and behavioral ability. The severity and nature of the visual impairment are the important factors in the effect of visual impairment on development. As the child develops, his visual function seems to improve, but in fact the vision remains as it was. In other words, it seems as if the child sees more, but not so he is, his vision remains and only the functioning of the vision improves.
Common deficiencies in language and communication and ways of treating children with visual impairment or blindness This booklet gives a glimpse into the world of child development with an emphasis on the first years and the development characteristics of communication and language. It also provides important information about the challenges facing a child with visual impairment or blindness in the development of communication and language skills and equips the reader with tool, ideas, tips and examples, for therapeutic work at home or as part of a rehabilitation daycare center. The booklet was written based on the extensive knowledge and experience of the Elia Kindergarten Team with children with visual impairment or blindness and is supported by a literature review that presents the important theoretical and research background that supports our work at the Elia Association.
Elied – From The Newsletter of Eliah 01
Elied – Newsletter of Eliah 02
e study aims to enable the general public to learn and know the common visual impairments, the effects of disability on the child's development, as well as the main methods and practices with children with visual impairment or blindness.
The study was developed based on professional knowledge and practical experience accumulated in the ALY.
The chapters in Lomda:
– Stages of vision system development.
– Eye anatomy and common visual impairments.
– Implications of impairment on functioning and application tools for rehabilitative work with children with visual impairment.
– Rules of work and safety in Gan Elia.

For articles and other professional information

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