The month of Ramadan is at the beginning and elia is happy to greet all the children and staff in our proximity, who are celebrating this holiday, with the blessing of Happy holiday. Easy fasting with a lot of happiness, joy and health.
In honor of the holiday, we prepared special vision training for the children to encourage them to continue practicing and promoting the visual skills that exist at home with the whole family, thereby improving their daily functioning.
With Ramadan's blessing Karim رمضان كريم!
To download the exercises, download the presentations in the link to your computer and sit with the children in a small environment and allow them to look and answer the questions.
Through the presentation, the children of the daycare center, tiny and large, will be able to preserve the existing visual remains and strengthen existing vision skills: monitoring visual stimulation, focusing/ staring, coordinating a hand's eye (reaching precisely towards the object), scanning and decoding the object. The items were chosen to teach the holiday symbols in a way that suits the visually correct:
– Solid Background
– Contrast between background and object
– Slow traffic in all directions
– Reducing visual load
– Clear and colorful images
Practice vision on Ramadan