Disabled Child Allowance
A disabled child allowance is awarded to the family by the National Insurance Institute.
Who's eligible?
Children from 91 days to 18 years of age with visual impairment corresponding to one of the 2 situations:
1.Visual acuity equals or less than 606 in each of the two eyes. (In tests performed with glasses).
2.The field of view is less than 20 degrees in each of the two eyes.
If you are physically invited to come to the committee, it is advisable to come with the child, if the child does not want to enter, we recommend that one of the parents request permission to enter first without the child in order not to speak "above the child's head" and then call the child for a checkup, if the child refuses to enter, ask the doctor to go outside and check him outside.
Send documents and forms directly to the National Insurance Institute in accordance with their requirements Look for: National Insurance, Disabled Child Benefit or click on the link : Claim for a Disabled Child Allowance
The amount of the allowance is determined by examining eligibility criteria, there are 2 basic allowances:
A: % 50 disability, 1,200 NIS per month
B: % 100 disability, 2,560 NIS per month
Siblings – If there is another child with a disability in the family, there is an increase of 1.5 percent.
*Note: Amounts as of July 2019
At the age of 3, eligibility for a disability pension is checked again by the National Insurance Institute. Children who depend on the help of others to perform daily activities in a way that exceeds their peers will be examined by a medical committee in order to increase the allowance to 188%.**
In children, a certificate of blindness does not automatically provide 100% disability but can speed up the process. https://www.btl.gov.il/benefits/Disabled_Child/likuilist/Pages/blindness.aspx
There are 3 significant transitions at the following ages:
1.At age 3, a re-eligibility check for a disabled child allowance is conducted with the National Insurance Institute.
2.Beyond first grade– the body in charge of providing services and exercising rights is "Supervision of Students with Sensory Disabilities" operates within the framework of the Special Education Department of the Ministry of Education. According to Amendment 11 of the Special Education Law (5748-2018, children with blindness or visual impairment belong to students with disabilities in low prevalence and are therefore entitled to a hearing of the Eligibility and Characterization Committee that determines their eligibility for special education services. For more information:https://ofekl.org.il/information/rights/#toggle-id-1
Information on adjustments and accessibility for a student who has a visual impairment: https://apps.education.gov.il/Mankal/Horaa.aspx?siduri=194
3.At the age of 18, the allowance changes – a re-eligibility check for the allowance – the adult receives the allowance (and not the parent) based on his/her abilities to work. He'll go through a medical committee and then a job loss committee.
Key principles in the appeal to the National Insurance Institute:
1.The greater the gap between the child and the group of equals, the greater the chance of receiving an allowance and an allowance.
Therefore, between the ages of birth and the age of three, the chances of receiving an allowance from the National Insurance Institute are lower, with all children up to the age of three being ostensibly nursing.
2.Social Security does not work in the principle of both but according to the principle of either – or.
There are 3 national insurance entry routes under 3 sections:
1. Developmental delays, physical disabilities, "dependence on others" section.
2. "Supervision", intellectual disability, autism, serious ADHD.
3. "Special medical deficiency", epilepsy, diabetes, allergy.
The National Insurance Institute will refer to the section in which disability is most expressed and to which it will associate the 100% disability. If the disability is expressed in any section, Social Security will have difficulty determining an allowance and probably will not receive one.
Tips for dealing with Social Security
· If there is no worsening, when the situation is static, one must wait wisely. Prepare a file with documents and as soon as Social Security asks for the documents to be transferred.
· If there is concern that the allowance will not be extended, it is possible to send the necessary documents for an extension prior to a referral by the National Insurance Institute and not wait until the last minute.
· Hospitalized children – If there is an allowance, there is no supplement to hospitalization unless it is an hospitalization of more than 3 months, and then the allowance can be increased to 188%.
· If a disabled child allowance is not submitted until age 3, a retroactive application can be submitted, but the law allows the National Insurance Institute to provide a disabled child allowance only a year back, based on proof that the problem already existed and includes medical documents accordingly. An appeal can be submitted up to 3 months after receiving the reply.
"Total dependence on others" allowance
Between the ages of 3 and 18, an additional "total dependence on others" allowance is added, 5 criteria for the pension:
1.Not independent on foot
2.Not independent in bathing
3.Not reward/self-employed in controlling parentheses
4.I don't eat and drink on his own.
5.Doesn't dress/undress on his own.
There is no need for total dependence on others and there can be a "both" here, 10 points must be accrued according to the criteria detailed on the National Insurance Website which are examined by the medical committee.
For more information, you can go to the National Insurance Institute website: Examination of dependence on others in a medical committee for a child (age 3 to 18)
Applying for the allowance should be initiated by the parents and it increases the allowance to 188% disability , 4,700
₪ (as of July 2019).
You've accumulated 10 points- you need to go online and download a form called "Rechantment for a Disabled Child Allowance Recipient." (Not an allowance that is up to the age of 18, this is a different allowance).
Download the form above and attach 2 documents:
1. A medical report by a neurologist, an orthopedist, says the child is not independent of the aforementioned 5 functions.
2. A report from the framework – to tell the staff that the report is for Social Security because every letter here is important.
For example: "The child experiences independent eating" – the wording is not good!
"The child does not eat independently, occasionally holds a spoon and we the staff help him"- this is a good wording!
It is important to write not what the child does, but what the child does not do.